Get in touch


 From September 21, 2019
to April 18, 2020

 From September 6, 2020
to December 29, 2020


minimum stay:
3 days

From April 19, 2020  
to June 19, 2020

minimum stay: 
3 days


From June 20, 2020
 to September 5, 2020

minimum stay:
one week

Torriano 1 Torriano 14 0111 HDR 2

€ 100,00

for one day

€ 680,00

for one week

€ 110,00

for one day

€ 750,00

for one week

€ 115,00

for one day

€ 800,00

for one week

Torriano 2 01 Torriano

€ 100,00

for one day

€ 680,00

for one week

€ 110,00

for one day

€ 750,00

for one week

€ 115,00

for one day

€ 800,00

for one week

Torriano 3 20 Torriano 3

€ 120,00

for one day

€ 820,00

for one week

€ 130,00

for one day

€ 880,00

for one week

€ 140,00

for one day

€ 950,00

for one week

Prices include cleaning, linen, etc.


Click here to check availability and to book

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Prenotazione - Booking
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